Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bagzz :D

We had to make a Bag. Even though this project was one of the first Projects I forgot to add the Blog. Whoops ://. But now I'm writing one(: We had to make a bag out of paper. We designed it and colored it and it turned awesome. :D

My Picture isnt on right now so sorry, i cant show you onee xD

WordArt :D

We have just finished our Word Art Project and it was fun(: We had to think of a Word and hide it somehow, in your Design. It sounds really confusing but here is a picture or example of a Word Art some one made.

Isn't that just cool? Its people dancing and it spells DANCE. It's so sad that I won't have Design Art next semester, but i will try to keep up my blog! Here is my Word Art.

GUESS WHAT IT SAYSS? O.o Comment on mine if you knoww (:

Thursday, November 18, 2010

iskins Project Video :)

Here is our video for the iskins project!
Its shows what we thought about the project and what it would look like if we got it printed and stuck onto an itouch. Here is how we made our actual iskin designs:
Step 1: We had to make a draft of 4 different types of designs. They were, funky and my own which would be your own style of design. Elements which would be the 4 elements of nature: water, fire, earth and air. Also Animals which would be somethings to do with animals. And last it wouldbe pollution, which would just be some way of showing pollution.
Step 2: We had to choose one of those 4 designs color it on the draft to test some colors and then copy it onto a bigger piece of paper and color it once again. This would be your final.
Step 3: We would then have to think of tag lines and choose one to go with your iskin. Then you would write you tag line as a title for the poster we are making to help advertise your design.
Step 4: We then put our poster together with the picture of the iskin and our tag line. The aim for this poster was to be able to catch peoples attentions and sell the image of our iskin!
In this project we also had to use the term: HURBE
which stands for
The parts of HURBE we used in the project were, the balance in the picture with the designs and the colors. We also used Rhythm in the lines and shapes we used. In a way there could also be repetition in the picture if we were repeating the same pattern or shape over and over again. There was also a little bit on emphasis in it because of the color choices and how they stood out.
So here is the video Vanessa & I made together!
Hope you like it! Enjoy! :)

Here is my iskins.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tesselation (:

 First when Mrs. Bammi put up the example of the tesselation I thought 'How are we suppose to do that?'. It looked really hard to make but it turned out fun and easy once you know the "secret". Mrs. Bammi showed us M.C Escher's Art work and we just sat there gazing at that art piece. It was so cool! I could never make anything like it. Then I sat there thinking of a design and I thought and drew 5 pieces of designs! Until, I finally found one that looked really cool. I went over to the light box and started drawing my tesselation. It turned out great! I had some problems such as moving the tesselations then I had to start all over again, but over all it was fun. I had some trouble glueing in the right place. But, it was okay (:

Here is a picture of my tesselation: